Known for being the worst when it comes to punctuality, this class of 98 competitor has it out for the seasoned vets. After arriving near the end of the regular season for the Mid Summer Classic, Nate threw off the rhythm of original 4 members Jud, Andy, and Blair by defeating them in his first professional competition. But as they always say, the regular season is one thing…Playoffs are another.
A truly unique player, Nate often pauses the game illegally to protest anything he see’s as an abomination to the integrity of Segathon. Such protests have included citing Grant for his unorthodox controller grip to showing up late to POP ’05 because of EA not having blood in NHL 95.
Another interesting fact about Nate Heimdahl is that after POP ’05, Nate sued the league after Brandon’s alleged sober win. According to Mr. Heimdahl “any person(s) deviating from an inebriated state during league play should receive a Lifetime Ban from all Segathon events.” In early 2006 the league settled out of court with Mr. Heimdahl for a six pack of Schlitz and a St. James’s Place McDonalds monopoly piece.
Besides all the controversy surrounding Mr. Heimdahl off the ice, he shows great potential on the ice. It has even been rumored that Nate will be offered to host the 2nd annual Pan-O-Prog Championship in 2006.
What can we expect next from this wild card?
Read about how Nate has got his WANG in trouble a few times HERE.
Career Highlights:
Winning Record Versus Original 4 Members
Rookie of the Year – 2005
Ryder Cup ’06 Participant
Career Lowlights:
Late Arrivals
Constant litigation in Court